Vasily Malyshev

Over the course of the last 10 years I have founded three companies (first one merged into the second, second one successfully acquired, and third, Intelogos, just started), finished two law schools, and married once. The sole purpose of this website is to provide more information for future partners, colleagues, and investors.
Note: If you have questions about software design, development, or Messapps, please reach out to the company directly. After the acquisition in January 2022 Iā€™m no longer part of the company.
Speaking at the United Nations as part of the Global Peace Foundation International Young Leaders Assembly. Back in the 2015. A young guy just starting out.
Articles & Webinars
Got an app idea? Take these 4 steps to make it happen
Metrics you need to know for a successful launch
The 5-Day Sprint: How to Jump Start a New App, Website, or Project
When Something Goes Wrong Always Blame Yourselv
Mobile App Monitzation Done Right
The Right Way to Pitch App Investors
Mobile App Marketing for beginners
How to pitch prospective clients
How to build great apps
How to make apps viral
Books I suggest to everyone:



Marcus Aurelius

Getting Things Done

David Allen

Deep Work

Cal Newport

Hard Thing About Hard Things

Ben Horowitz

High Output Management

Andrew Grove